Monday, May 2, 2011

Latinos in America

The issue of illegal immigration has been on ongoing topic for many years. Wow what a touchy subject.  I think everyone has their own opinion but for me, being Latina and being an American,  I see both sides of this very important topic.  I understand that immigrants have come over to this country illegally and that it is against the law. I do not think it is right and I believe that there is a legal process to become an American citizen and many people are capable of doing it each year. I also understand that some of those illegal immigrants have brought over young children who did not make the choice to come to the US but will face the consequences due to the fact that they too are illegal, even though they have grown up here and  made this their home. It is not the children's fault, but what I do not agree with is the children continuing to be illegal when they find out their status at an adult age. If someone has gone through the US school system and wants to continue to call this their home then they should pursue citizenship the proper way once they find out they are not an actual legal citizen, instead of continuing to be illegal and obtain false paperwork in order to remain in this country. But in no way do I condone the racial hate crimes that have been committed.  The people that perform such hate crimes like the one in the video should also face legal consequeces for their actions and not just be given a light sentence because it was against an illegal immigrant.  Yet another issue that is talked about is the English language.  Many immigrants can not speak the language.  However, there are those that I have encountered that have refused to learn the language which I think is unacceptable.  Even though we do not have an offical language, I believe that if you want to make this country your home at least put some effort into learning the main language spoken.  But, with that being said,  the Hispanic population is growing at a rapid pace and I think non-Hispanic people will need to realize that if the trend continues they will become the minority and may need to learn their language as well. Many ads can already be seen in Spanish as you make your way around Dallas.  And as many of us have heard we always have to press 1 for English. Not a bad thing just a sign that things are changing.  

Princesses and Disney Films

After watching the video Mickey Mouse Monopoly, I have once again been enlightened by the fact that the movies and cartoons that I grew up with were sending a very direct message. Girls are supposed to be as pretty and proper as possible at all times and aspire to be a princess, while boys are there to take care of the girls and rescue them from evil and live happily ever after. When in fact the real world is nothing like that.  With the high divorce rate in this country these cartoons are painting very false picture of a "happily ever after."  While relationships have their ups and downs there are those that do have a happy endings and I think many people look at celebrities and people in power to try to fulfill their need to see a happy ending.  I believe that is why so many Americans, myself included, have been so fixated on the Royal Wedding.  Over 2 billion people tuned in to watch a regular commoner become a princess on Friday morning.  In essence ever girl's dream and what they have grown up watching in these cartoons,was becoming a reality with the marriage of William and Catherine.