Monday, May 2, 2011

Princesses and Disney Films

After watching the video Mickey Mouse Monopoly, I have once again been enlightened by the fact that the movies and cartoons that I grew up with were sending a very direct message. Girls are supposed to be as pretty and proper as possible at all times and aspire to be a princess, while boys are there to take care of the girls and rescue them from evil and live happily ever after. When in fact the real world is nothing like that.  With the high divorce rate in this country these cartoons are painting very false picture of a "happily ever after."  While relationships have their ups and downs there are those that do have a happy endings and I think many people look at celebrities and people in power to try to fulfill their need to see a happy ending.  I believe that is why so many Americans, myself included, have been so fixated on the Royal Wedding.  Over 2 billion people tuned in to watch a regular commoner become a princess on Friday morning.  In essence ever girl's dream and what they have grown up watching in these cartoons,was becoming a reality with the marriage of William and Catherine.

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