Monday, February 14, 2011

Sexual Stereotypes in the Media

02.07.11 Tonight's class seemed liked a women bashing women session.  Several girls seem to be very harsh and critical of the women in the Vanity Fair article to the point of criticizing the color of the dress one of them was wearing. I think they were basing there opinions on stereotypes they have of women dressed a certain way.  It reminded me of the movie Legally Blonde and how throughout the movie Elle Woods was kind of bullied at Harvard Law School by the "intellectual" students.  They didn't want to study with her or try to be her friend all because of a stereotype they had. They thought that because she was a blonde girl dressed in designer clothes driving a Porche and liked the color pink, that she was stupid and was just going to law  school just to go to law school. I think as women we should try to be more supportive of the women working in the field that we are pursuing. If we keep attacking each other like this then others are going to think it's ok to do so as well and it will defy any progress we have made thus far.  After all it seemed like the article was trying to portray the two in a negative light to some extent. 

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