Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Black Press

02/14/11 After viewing the film The Black Press: Soldiers without Swords it was clear that African Americans did everything they could to try and pull together as a community after the Civil War.  It was particularly eye-opening to see that young children were asked to read the newspapers to the elderly because the literacy rate was so low during that time.  No matter how many times or how many different ways they tried, the white man could not keep the black man from knowing what was going on. These papers encouraged blacks to head north for jobs after the war and taught them how to survive in their new found homes.  The black press is an area in journalism that is not often taught along with the rest of history.  I personally don't recall learning much about the black press before.  However I am currently taking a History of American Media course that does touch on the subject of the black press, women and what effect they had in the history of journalism.  I think as the newsrooms become more and more diverse (or at least we hope they do)  the history of the black press and history of women in journalism should become a topic that is discussed more often in classrooms.

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