Monday, March 28, 2011

GLBT in the Media

The GLBT community has come a long way in the media, today's society seems to be more accepting and inviting toward them. They are becoming more and more prominent in television shows and movies. From gay characters to full series about gay lifestyles, audiences are learning more about the GLBT community. One TV show that I found did a great job of incorporating this group of people in their show was Nip/Tuk. They were able to bring in a transgender male who had undergone surgery to remove his Adam's apple. They also introduced another transgender male who had made a full transformation and become a woman that ends up striking up a romance with a teenage boy. The teenage boy is then confused and goes onto beat up a transsexual. They also took the traditional mom in the series and switched her character up, after she separates from her husband, to become a lesbian. Nip/Tuk has always pushed the envelope with its content but I think they do a good job of introducing some groups in our society that other shows may not be brave enough to introduce.

Clip from the show where Matt gets violent with a transsexual...

1 comment:

  1. Liliana, I've really enjoyed reading your blog. You have some excellent and thoughtful commentary here. I can see that this class is having an impact on you and I'm glad to see your "evolution." Get it? That's a reference to the Dove campaign. Seriously, keep up the good work. I will say that the purple text on the black background is a little hard to read. MIDTERM BLOG GRADE: 98
